Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A new level of difficulty

To start with a spot of good news.....she is not coughing as badly at night, so there were no major disruptions caused by that issue. However she did try to get out of bed twice last night - once due to confusion and once to use the bathroom. Getting to the bathroom is not a simple process, and it's compounded by the fact that she usually needs to "go" right away. I was also up quite a bit due to her talking in her sleep and trying to discern a call for help from her random utterances. This is way worse than having newborns.

I did cheat last night and was able to get her midnight meds down orally, although I am now out of them and have to go with the IV push. She will get her 6am important meds via the IV. I'm also going to start her off with an "MJ laced" spot of chai tea. We are going to push that every couple hours just like regular medication - it does seem to help.

Even though I didn't get much sleep in the hospital, I did have some worry and concern alleviated by the nurses doing the medication administration - especially at night. Here I get it all - worry, concern, and lack of sleep.

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