Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rehab Day One

How can you not love a woman, whose final words falling back into bed after being awakened at 6:00am to swallow 3 sodium pills washed down by 2 Ritz crackers and milk were, "life is good". 

Notwithstanding the frustrations and exhaustion that came from rehab sessions yesterday, she remains upbeat and positive. Those sessions drain her. Seeing people gives her energy. I can do the math. We will be adjusting her rehab sessions so she gets rest and/or naps in between. She's also ready to see more people. Her language skills are back to where they were before. She is moving around the house confidently and handling her own care. She still needs me to tell her schedules and such, the numbers part of things and organization part of things aren't there, although she doesn't much care. The keyboard is still a huge challenge, so that won't be a part of her life for some time. She is quickly adapting to her visual field issues, and is unconcerned about her inability to drive.

She dropped at least 8 pounds in the hospital - we've got her back up about 3 - but 5 to go to get back to her usual weight and we need another 5 on her to get her ready for future treatments. So abhorrent as it is for those of us who read The Omnivores Dilemma and Fast Food Nation, yesterday she had a Big Mac and fries. Plus an Odwalla protein shake I laced with a large scoop of Haagenn Dazs vanilla ice cream. Casey is all over her about how to ingest the right kind of foods to bulk her up, even though he and I are on more heart healthy food programs.

She also thanks everyone for the cards - it's a great way for her to practice reading.

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