Saturday, March 26, 2011

So I got a call...

I received a call from our naturopath last night. Profusely apologetic. Outraged our calls to the clinic hadn't been returned, although 'I've heard this complaint before', and promised to dig into it deeply. Understood how our confidence had been eroded given the lack of ability to get a hold of our health care practitioner. Gave me her direct email, and said she checks it daily no matter what. Apologized for not getting back to us with the result of her conversation with our oncologist regarding a specific treatment, said she thought he would be contacting us (now that was a lame excuse), but did take responsibility for not following up.

So we'll see where this goes. We aren't likely going to see a naturopath again until our return from the National Cancer Institute as they may not want Meagan on any supplements prior to the recommended treatment. We clearly won't be on any during the treatment. And they may not want her on any until at least 4 weeks post clinical trial and resulting evaluation. So seeing her or another naturopath could be easily three months out.

When we NEEDED to see her was the last two weeks. The lack of contact was emotionally distressing and we felt abandoned - a point I stressed with her. So whether we return to use her services remains to be seen. But at least an hour and a half of my time yesterday provoked a response. Another day, another cabana boy duty, and one that wasn't on the job description.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for getting in their and letting them know this was unacceptable. Hopefully, your advocacy will benefit other patients who are seeking treatment. Think about all the people who don't have someone to advocate on their behalf and who are dealing with both cancer and that kind of crap and navigating it solo. You are a class A cabana boy!
